Our Inspiration

To Friends and Family

Individuals with severe mental health issues and addiction inevitably affect those around them. Addiction, depression, and trauma can leave a wake of destruction reaching everyone close to the individual. We understand that these issues do not just impact the individual, but can have a significant effect on their loved ones as well.

Friends and family members of those struggling with these issues should also seek support to help cope with the effects of addiction and mental illness. It is important to remember that recovery is possible, and seeking help is the first step towards healing. We want to remind you of your importance and that you are also worthy of support.

three persons standing near the edge of a cliff during day
three persons standing near the edge of a cliff during day
We Remember

Mental illness and addiction can be fatal, and unfortunately, some do not survive their struggle. However, we choose to remember those who have lost their lives and continue fighting in their honor. We believe that their legacy lives on through our efforts to encourage and heal those who are still suffering. We will never forget their stories and experiences and will use them as motivation to help others. Let us honor the memory of those who have passed by striving to make a positive impact in the lives of those who are still struggling with mental illness and addiction.